Milk comes under essential products and services category during Covid -19 period. All dairy personnels from farmers to salesmen are doing a great job like corona warriors. The government instructed all the authorities to not to hamper milk supplies in any part of the country during the lockdown.

The major private sector players supplying milk in Chennai are Thirumala, Heritage, Dodla and Jersey. These players have complained that the local police is harassing their personnels . The police is stopping them to supply and distribute milk.

The police is asking for e passes which is taking 6 days . The local police is not accepting these e-passes. In the absence of E passes , the distributors and company’s staff is unable to distribute milk.

The companies are unable to distribute milk in the residential areas. There is no restrictions on vehicles carrying milk and milk products in the city. But in the absence of manpower at the distributor end, it is not possible to distribute milk . All companies have requested the authorities to allow dairy workers to distribute milk with their company’s authorised Identity cards.

Over one and a half milk agents in the state have decided to stop sypplying milk to police houses in the state. It has been done against the harassment done by the police on these agents in the wake of newly imposed curfew.

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