Indian dairy sector 9 years report dairynews7x7

Livestock Sector

Livestock Sector is an important subsector of agriculture in the Indian economy. It grew at a CAGR of 7.93 per cent during 2014-15 to 2020-21 (at constant prices). The contribution of livestock in total agriculture and allied sector GVA (at constant prices) has increased from 24.32per cent (2014-15) to 30.13per cent (2020-21). Livestock sector contributed 4.90per cent of total GVA in 2020-21.

Livestock Population

            India has vast resources of livestock and poultry, which play a vital role in improving the socio-economic conditions of rural masses. There are about 303.76 million bovines (cattle, buffalo, mithun and yak), 74.26 million sheep, 148.88 million goats, 9.06 million pigs and about 851.81 million poultry as per 20th Livestock Census in the country.

Dairy Sector

            Dairy is the single largest agricultural commodity contributing 5 per cent of the national economy and employing more than 8 crore farmers directly. India is ranked 1st in milk production contributing 23 percent of global milk production. Milk production has increased by 51.05% over the past 8 years from 146.3 million tonnes during 2014-15 to 221.06 million tonnes during 2021-22. Milk production is growing at the annual growth rate of 6.4% over the past 8 years whereas world milk production is growing at 1.2% per annum. The per capita availability of milk is 444 gram per day in 2021-22 as against the world average of 394 grams per day during 2021.

Egg and Meat Production

            According to FAOSTAT production data (2020), India ranks 3rdin Egg Production and 8thin meat production in the world. Egg production in the country has increased from 78.48 billion in 2014-15 to 129.60 billion Nos. in 2021-22. Egg production in the country is growing at the rate of 8% per annum.  The per capita availability of egg is at 95 eggs per annum in 2021-22. Meat production in the country has increased from 6.69 million tonnes in 2014-15 to 9.29 million tonnes in 2021-22.       

            The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying are implementing various schemes for development and promotion of animal Husbandry and dairy sector across the country. On 14.07.2021, the Government has approved implementation of a Special Livestock Sector Package consisting of several activities by revising and realigning various components of following existing schemes in order to have focussed development of animal husbandry and dairying across the country for next 5 years starting from 2021-22.


The RashtriyaGokul Mission (RGM) is being implemented for development and conservation of indigenous bovine breeds since December 2014. The scheme is important in enhancing milk production and productivity of bovines to meet growing demand of milk and making dairying more remunerative to the rural farmers of the country. The scheme has been continued under umbrella scheme Development Programmes from 2021 to 2026 with a budget outlay of Rs.2400 crore. Thescheme will result in enhanced productivity and benefits of the programme will percolate to 80 million farmers engaged in dairying especially small and marginal farmers. 

            The details of achievements made for improving the indigenous breeds in the country under Rashtriya Gokul Mission since 2014 are as under:

  • Accelerated Breed Improvement programme using IVF: Under the component, IVF technology and artificial insemination with sex sorted semen is being leveraged to produce female calves female calves for the dairy farmers. IVF is important tool for genetic upgradation of bovine population at rapid rate, work which is done in 7 generations (21 years in case of cattle and buffaloes) can be done in 1 generation (3 years in case of cattle and buffalo) through IVF.  The technology has huge potential in enhancing farmers’ income through production of only female calves with genetic potential of producing 4000 kg of milk per lactation thus increasing farmers income by many fold. Under the Accelerated Breed Improvement programme 2 Lakh IVF pregnancies will be established in next five years. Subsidy at the rate of Rs 5000 per assured pregnancy will be made available to farmers. The programme has already been initiated in the country. Under the RGM scheme funds have been sanctioned for establishment of 33 IVF labs and 20 labs have been made operational. So far, 17547 viable embryos produced, 7704 viable embryos transferred, and 1270 calves are born under the programme.
  • Sex sorted semen production: Sex sorted semen production has been introduced in the country for production of only female calves upto 90% accuracy.  Use of sex sorted semen will be game changer not only enhancing milk production but also limiting stray cattle population. During the next five years 51 lakh pregnancies will be established and subsidy of Rs 750 or 50% of the cost of sorted semen on assured pregnancy is available to farmers.
  • Establishment of Breed Multiplication Farms: A major constraint for aspiring dairy farmers is the difficulty of procuring high quality heifers or milch animals from their local areas. To address this issue and to attract investment including entrepreneurship for the dairy sector,  and to simultaneously create the opportunity for developing a hub and spoke model of dairy farming where small and marginal dairy farmers can thrive with the help of a local hub of reliable dairy services, a subsidy of 50% (up to Rs 2 crores per farm) on capital cost (excluding land cost) is being provided to private entrepreneurs under this component for establishment of breed multiplication farms of minimum herd size of 200 heads of bovines. The entrepreneur will obtain bank finance for the remaining capital cost and sale high quality heifers, conceived through sorted sex semen/ IVF, to farmers in the region.
  • Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programme: The flagship programme “Nationwide Artificial Insemination programme (NAIP)” was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 11thSeptember 2019 in 605 districts with less than 50% Artificial Insemination (A.I) coverage. Under the programme, quality AI services are delivered free of cost at farmers doorstep. As on date, 4.41 crore animals have been covered, 5.44 Crores Artificial Insemination performed, and 2.93 crores farmers benefitted under the programme. During 2023-2024 it is targeted to inseminate 3 Crore animals in 592 districts.
  • Induction of MAITRIs: In order to meet requirement of AI technicians, project for establishment of MAITRIs (Multi-Purpose AI technicians in Rural India) has been undertaken under RGM. Through MAITRIs, AI services have been delivered at farmers ‘doorstep. Till date 35436 MAITRIs have been trained and inducted under the scheme. In FY 2022-23 it is targeted to train 7845 MAITRIs in the country.
  • Progeny testing and Pedigree selection: Organized Progeny Testing (PT)and Pedigree selection have been implemented in the country to produce high genetic meritbulls. Under these programme, 4490 high genetic merit bulls mainly of indigenous breeds have been produced under the programme and inducted at semen stations for semen production.
  • Genomic selection: Advanced dairy nations are using DNA based selection called genomic selection for proving genetic merit of the bulls at birth against 6- 7 years taken in traditional method to prove genetic merit of the bulls. For the first time in the country genomic selection have been introduced among indigenous breeds of cattle and buffalo under Rashtriya Gokul Mission.  DNA chip for genomic selection has been developed, Indus chip and Buff chip by NDDB and Low density chip for cattle and buffalo by NBAGR. Cost of production of bulls will be reduced substantially from Rs 6 lakh in traditional method to Rs 85000 in genomic selection.During next five years genomic chip with high accuracy will be used extensively to produce bulls for use in semen production in the country. Farmers may also take up genomic testing of the animals maintained by them.
  • Establishment of Gokul GramIntegrated indigenous cattle development Centres – “Gokul Grams”– are being established under the Rashtriya Gokul Mission with the aim of conservation and development of indigenous bovine breeds in a scientific and holistic manner. Funds have been released for establishment of 16 Gokul grams. As on date, civil works and animal induction completed at 14 Gokul Grams and civil works completed at 2 Gokul Grams. Establishment of Gokul Grams will give new dimension to development and conservation of indigenous breed, leading to increase in population of indigenous breeds and their productivity. 
  • National Gopal Ratna Award 2022: National Gopal Ratna Award is one of the highest National Awards in the field of livestock and dairy sector. Awards are conferred in three categories, namely (i) Best Dairy Farmer Rearing Indigenous Cattle/buffalo Breeds; (ii) Best Artificial Insemination Technician (AIT) and  best Dairy Cooperative. Award consists of a Certificate of merit, a memento and cash amount in each category: Rs. 5,00,000/-(Rupee five lakh)  for 1st rank holder;  Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupee three lakh )  to 2nd rank holder  and  Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupee two lakh)  to 3rd rank holder. 3 best dairy farmers, 3 best AI technicians and 3 best dairy cooperatives in the country were felicitated on the eve of National Milk Day on 26th November 2022 at Bangalore.
  • Animal Husbandry Startup Grand Challenge 2.0: In order to scout for innovative and commercially viable solutions to address the problems faced by the animal husbandry and dairy sector Problem Statements has been prepared by the Department for organizing Animal Husbandry Startup Grand Challenge 2.0 during 2021-22. Winners of the startup grand challenge 2.0 were felicitated during World Milk Day on 1st June 2022. For each problem area, winner awarded with Rs 10 Lakh and a runner-up with Rs 7 Lakh as cash prizes. Masterclasses, mentorship and incubation are also made available through Startup India to all winners of Animal Husbandry Grand Challenge 2.0.
  • National Kamdhenu Breeding Centre:Two National Kamdhenu Breeding Centres one each in northern and southern region has been set up as repository of indigenous breeds.  A Nucleus Herd of all the Indigenous Bovine Breeds are being conserved and developed with the aim of enhancing their productivity and upgrading their genetic makeup. The National Kamdhenu Breeding Centre (NKBC) has been supplying certified germplasm to the farmers undertaking rearing of indigenous breeds and increasing their stock. Southern Region NKBC in Andhra Pradesh has been established at Chintladevi in Nellore District. Northern Region NKBC is in Madhya Pradesh at Kiratpur, in Narmadapuram, District.
  • Farmer Awareness programme: In order to create awareness among farmers, fertility camps have been organized funds have been released to the States for organizing fertility camps. Also, funds have been released to the States for awareness generationamong farmers under the component of Nationwide AI Programme.
  • e-GOPALA app: A comprehensive breed improvement marketplace and information portal for direct use of farmers in the form of the e-GOPALA app (Generation of Wealth through Productive Livestock) has been launched by Hon’ble PM on 10th September 2020.  e- Gopala app the digital platform is helping farmers in managing livestock including buying and selling of disease free germplasm in all forms (semen, embryos, etc); availability of quality breeding services (Artificial Insemination, veterinary first aid, vaccination, treatment etc) and guiding farmers for animal nutrition, treatment of animals using appropriate ayurvedic medicine/ethno veterinary medicine. The app is also sending alert to farmers (on due date for vaccination, pregnancy diagnosis, calving etc) and informing farmers about various government schemes and campaigns in the area.


The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying is implementing “National Programme for Dairy Development” (NPDD) across the country since February 2014 with an objective of creating/ strengthening of infrastructure for production of quality milk, Procurement, Processing and Marketing of Milk & Milk Products by the State Implementing Agency (SIA).

Now, the scheme has slightly been restructured from 2021-22 to 2025-26.The NPDD scheme aims to enhance quality of milk and milk products and increase share of organized milk procurement. The scheme has two components:

Component ‘A’ focuses towards creating/strengthening of infrastructure for quality milk testing equipment as well as primary chilling facilities for State Cooperative Dairy Federations/ District Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union/SHG run private dairy/Milk Producer Companies/Farmer Producer Organisations. The scheme will be implemented across the country for the period of five year from 2021-22 to 2025-26.

Component B – Dairying through Cooperatives” aims at increasing sales of milk and dairy products by increasing farmer’s access to organised market, upgrading dairy processing facilities, marketing infrastructure and enhancing the capacity of producer owned institutions thereby contributing to increase in return to milk producers in the project area. The sub-scheme has an outlay of Rs.1568.28 crore including loan component of Rs.924.56 crore (JPY 14,978 million by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)), central grant share of Rs 475.54 crore and participating Institutes’ (PI) share of Rs.168.8 crore for the period of 5 years from 2021-22 to 2025-26. Eligible States are Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Rajasthan, and Uttarakhand. The sub-scheme is implemented by this Department through NDDB. Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying provides loan assistance to the Eligible Participating Institutions namely, Milk Unions,  Milk Producer Companies, State Milk Federations, Multi-State Milk Cooperatives at a subsidized rate of 1.5% p.a. through NDDB (Implementing Agency) subject to norms of the scheme.

Achievements under NPDD: 185 projects in 28 States and 2 Union Territory have been approved with the total cost of Rs. 3015.35 crore (Central Share Rs. 2297.25 crore) from 2014-15 to 2022-23 (06.03.2023). A total sum of Rs. 1690.78 crore has been released for implementation of new projects approved under the scheme up to 20.02.2023. An amount of Rs.1195.94 crore has been utilized under the projects approved.

Physical Progress:

  1. 15,054 dairy cooperative societies organised/ revived with enrolment of 15.01 lakh new farmers/ milk producers and procurement of 39.12 lakh litres of additional milk from farmers.
  2. 23,798 dairy cooperative societies strengthened with installation of Automatic Milk Collection Unit- To bring transparency in milk testing and payments to farmers.
  3. 3220 Bulk Milk Coolers with 64.20 lakh litres chilling capacity have been installed to provide market access to farmers and reduce milk spoilage.
  4. 4243 Electronic Milk Adulteration Testing Equipments and 120 FTIR Technology based Milk Analyser/Food Scan/NIRS Tech Milk Powder Analyser have been installed for checking adulteration in milk & milk products. This will encourage farmers producing quality milk
  5. 22.90 lakh litres per day new milk processing capacity established to process and market additional milk procured from farmers.
  6. Establishment of State Central Laboratory in 15 States & strengthening of milk testing laboratories of District Cooperative Milk Unions to check milk quality, increase consumer acceptance and market.


DIDF was launched by DAHD in December 2017 with the objective to create/ modernize the milk processing, chilling and value addition infrastructure towards components Milk processing, Chilling and Value added Products facilities, etc. for the Dairy Co-operative, Multi State Dairy Cooperative, Milk Producer Companies (MPC), NDDBs subsidiaries. Under this scheme 2.5% interest subvention loan from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) through NDDB/NCDC. Under DIDF, Funding Period is 2018-19 to 2022-23 and repayment period is upto 2030-31 with spill over to first quarter of the FY 2031-32.

As on 31.01.2023, 37 projects are approved with total outlay of Rs. 5544.53 Crore and Rs.1371.98 Crore loan has been disbursed against loan of Rs. 3575.74 Crore. An amount of Rs. 79.59 Crore has been released as interest subvention to NABARD.

Infrastructure created:

  • Milk Processing Capacity: 63.70 Lakh Liter per Day (LLPD)
  • Chilling capacity (Bulk Milk Cooler (BMC)): 3.4 LLPD
  • Milk Drying capacity: 265 Metric Tonne per Day (MTPD)
  • Value Added Products (VAP) manufacturing capacity: 10.46 LLPD


The Scheme was launched during 2017-18. The scheme is being implemented through National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). The scheme is being implemented through National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). Main objective of the scheme is to assist the Cooperative Societies and farmer producer organizations engaged in dairy activities by providing soft working capital loan to tide over the crisis on account of severely adverse market conditions or natural calamities. Due to Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Dairy Sector, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying has introduced a new component “interest subvention on Working capital loans for Dairy sector” as one of the component with an outlay of Rs 203 Cr for 2020-21. Under the scheme, an interest subvention of 2% per annum on the working capital loan is being provided to the producer owned Institutes (POIs.). Further, for prompt and timely repayment, an additional 2% per annum interest subvention is payable at the end of the loan repayment/interest servicing period. Thus the actual implementation of scheme started during 2020-21.Temporarily, the other component namely “working Capital loan” was kept in suspension since 2020-21. The Union Cabinet has approved implementation of central sector scheme Supporting Dairy Cooperatives and Farmer Producer Organizations engaged in dairy activities (SDCFPO) as a part of Umbrella Scheme “ Infrastructure Development Fund “ from 2021-22 to 2025-26 with an outlay of Rs 500 Cr.The Scheme has been implemented with budgetary allocation of Rs 100 Cr during 2022-23.

Under this component, till date, this Department has released an amount of Rs. 433 crore to NDDB for implementation of the Scheme. NDDB has sanctioned interest subvention amount of Rs.503.10 crore against working capital loan amount of Rs.34,941.97 Cr @ 2% p.a for 60 milk unions and released Rs342.15 Cr (Rs179.53 Cr as regular interest subvention and Rs162.62 Cr as additional interest subvention amount) till 20.02.2023. The year wise progress is as under:

For the year 2020-21, NDDB has conveyed sanction of Interest Subvention amount of Rs 151.02 crore against working capital loan amount of Rs 10588.64 Cr @ 2% p.a for 55 milk unions across the country and released Rs 156.57Cr(Rs 78.84 Cr as regular interest subvention and Rs 77.73 Cr as additional interest subvention amount).

For the year 2021-22, NDDB have conveyed sanction of Interest Subvention amount of Rs 210.08 crore against working capital loan amount of Rs 14117.85 Cr @ 2% p.a for 60 milk unions and released Rs 183.64 Cr (Rs 98.75cr as regular interest subvention and Rs 84.89 Cr as additional interest subvention amount).

For the year 2022-23, NDDB have conveyed sanction of Interest Subvention amount of Rs142.00crore against working capital loan amount of Rs.10235.48 Cr @ 2% p.a for 38 milk unions/Federations and released Rs.1.94 croreas regular interest subvention.


            For sustainable and continuous growth of livestock sector by emulating the success achieved in dairy and poultry sectors, across species and regions, the National Livestock Mission (NLM) was launched in 2014-15. This Mission was formulated with the objectives of sustainable development of livestock sector, focusing on improving availability of quality feed and fodder, risk coverage, effective extension, improved flow of credit and organization of livestock farmers / rearers, etc.

            Recently, National Livestock Mission has been revised and realigned with an outlay of Rs.2300 crorefor the five years i.e. starting from 2021-22. The re-aligned scheme has been approved by the Cabinet on 14.07.2021. The focus of the scheme is towards employment generation, entrepreneurship development; increase in per animal productivity and thus targeting increased production of meat, goat milk, egg and wool under the umbrella scheme Development Programme. The excess production will help in the export earnings after meeting the domestic demands. The concept of NLM Scheme is to develop the entrepreneur in order to create the forward and backward linkage for the produce available at the unorganized sector and to link with the organized sector.

            The scheme is implemented with the following three Sub-Missions:

  1. Sub-Mission on Breed Development of Livestock & Poultry: Proposes to bring sharp focus on entrepreneurship development and breed improvement in poultry, sheep, goat and piggery by providing the incentivization to the individual, FPOs, SHGs, Section 8 companies for entrepreneurship development and also to the State Government for breed improvement infrastructure.
  2. Sub-Mission on Feed and Fodder development:This Sub-Mission aims towards strengthening of fodder seed chain to improve availability of certified fodder seed required for fodder production and encouraging entrepreneurs for establishment of fodder Block/Hey Bailing/Silage Making Units through incentivisation.

(III)  Sub-Mission on Extension and Innovation:The sub-mission aims to incentivize the Institutes, Universities, Organizations carring out research and development related to sheep, goat, pig and feed and fodder sector, extension activities, livestock insurance and innovation.

Under National Livestock Mission, for the first time, the Central Government is providing direct 50% subsidies to the Individuals, SHGs, JLGs, FPOs, Section 8 Companies, FCOs to establish Poultry Farms with Hatcheries and brooder mother units, sheep and goat breed multiplication farm, piggery farm and feed and fodder units. The subsidy units for these activities are as under:

1. Poultry farms activities: up to Rs. 25 lakh

2. Sheep and Goat breed multiplication farm: Rs.50 lakh

3. Piggery breed multiplication farm: Rs.30 Lakh

4. Feed and Fodder Unit: Rs. 50 lakh.

                   Under Entrepreneurship components implemented under NLM, as on 01.03.2023, 439 applications have been approved by DAHD,Rs. 22.87 Crore released to SIDBI and Rs. 20.52 Crore Subsidy has been released.

                   Under NLM, 3,3310 Rural Backyard Sheep & Goat Development Units were established. 21.16 lakh animals were covered under cluster based mass deworming programme.

                   Seventy One lakh animals were insured under NLM.

            Under Entrepreneurship Development and Employment Generation (EDEG), till date, total 71637 beneficiaries are given subsidy of Rs 64525.26 Lakh.

Achievement under Sub Mission Feed and Fodder during last Nine years and current years for NLM

Name of the componentFinancial(Rs. in lakh)Physical 
Assistance for Quality Fodder Seeds Production(in Qtls)19451.90230637.18
Hand Driven Chaff Cutter ( in nos)1318.931524
Power Driven Chaff Cutter ( in nos)3835.138542
Silage Making Unit( in unit)2404.008059
Fodder seed production and distribution( in MT)9472.621691
Fodder Block Making Unit( in no)381.911
Cattle Feed Plant( in no)1278.0015
Feed Testing Lab( in no)797.3316
Fodder production from Forest land /Non forest land(in ha)19401.515056.6

6.   Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund

            UnderAtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan stimulus package, Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) was set-up with the corpus of Rs. 15000 crore. The Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development (AHIDF) has been approved for incentivizing investments by individual entrepreneurs, private companies, MSME, Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs) and Section 8 companies to establish (i) the dairy processing and value addition infrastructure, (ii) meat processing and value addition infrastructure and (iii) Animal Feed Plant.(iv) Breed improvement Technology and Breed Multiplications farms for Cattle/ Buffalo/Sheep/Goat/ Pig and technogically assisted Poultry farms.

            The objectives of the scheme are to help increasing of milk and meat processing capacity and product diversification thereby providing greater access for unorganized rural milk and meat producers to organized milk and meat market, price realization for the producer, availability of quality milk and meat products for the domestic consumer, generating entrepreneurs, promoting exports, quality and cheap animal feeds and to availability of quality protein rich food to the Indian consumer.

            Farmer Producer Organization(FPO), Private companies, Individual entrepreneurs, Section 8 companies, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises are the eligible entities who would take benefit under the scheme. The Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Fund will be implemented by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. The Central Government is providing 3% interest subvention. The Central Government has also set up Credit Guarantee Fund to provide credit guarantee of 25% of the borrowing to those projects which are covered under MSME definition. The interest subvention will be provided to the beneficiaries over a period of 8 years maximum up to 10 years of repayment period provided the beneficiaries are not defaulter. A portal has been developed for online submission of applications at the portal developed by SIDBI

Achievement:Total project cost: Rs. 5416.46 crore was approved and out of the total project cost Rs. 3701.93 crore was bank loan.

  • Under Dairy Processing and value addition category, 82 no. of projects have been supported till date which includes milk processing and value addition with capacity of more than 63.30 LLPD.  Total 6676 number of direct employment has been created and 1,00,000 farmers have benefitted through these 82 units.
  • Under Animal Feed Plant category, 95 no. of projects have been supported till date. 61.56 lakh MT per year feed manufacturing capacity added in the existing feed production capacity (Cattle Feed around 15.39 lakh MT per year, Poultry Feed around 46.17 lakh MT per year).  Total 10372 number of direct employments has been created so far.
  • Under Meat Processing and value addition category, 15 no. of units have been supported till date and value addition with the capacity of 9.59 lakh MT per year. Employment increase of 4655 has been achieved through these 15 projects.
  • Under Breed Improvement Technology & Multiplication Farm category, 31 no. of units have been supported.  Total 2887 employment has been created so far.
  • Under Animal Waste to Wealth Management (Agri waste management) category, 1 project has been supported. Total 40 people have been employed so far.
  • Under Setting up of Veterinary Vaccine and Drugs Production Facilities category, 1 project has been supported. Total employment for 50 pax is generated though this project.


A Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Livestock Health and Disease Control (LH&DC) Scheme” is being implemented to supplement the efforts of the State/UT Governments towards prevention, control and containment of animal diseases of economic and zoonotic importance, by vaccination. Now the scheme has been restructured from 2021-22 to 2025-26.

            The scheme will be implemented with the aim of reducing risk to animal health by prophylactic vaccination against diseases of livestock and poultry, capacity building of Veterinary services, disease surveillance and strengthening veterinary infrastructure.  The major activities supported under this scheme are: Critical Animal Disease Control Programme(CADCP) for eradication and control of two major diseases which have hitherto not got focused attention in proportion to their economic significance, namely Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) and classical swine fever (CSF);  Establishment and Strengthening of existing Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries (ESVHD)-Mobile Veterinary Units; and Assistance to States for control of other economically important, exotic, emergent and zoonotic livestock and poultry diseases (ASCAD).  The funding pattern is 100% central assistance for the CADCP and the non-recurring components of ESVHD, and 60:40 between Central and State for the other components as well as for ASCAD, with 90:10 for hilly and NE States and 100% for UTs.

In July 2021, National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP) and Livestock Health and Disease Control (LH&DC) scheme have been merged and called as Livestock Health and Disease Control Programme.


      The Government has approved an ambitious scheme “National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP) for control of Foot & Mouth Disease and Brucellosis” by vaccinating 100% cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and pig population for FMD and 100% bovine female calves of 4-8 months of age for brucellosis. The programme has a total outlay of Rs.13,343.00 crore for five years (2019-20 to 2023-24). This scheme provides 100% financial assistance.


  • The total number of animals ear tagged are nearly 25.04 crores. The second round of vaccination against FMD has commenced and so far, 23.83 crore animals have been vaccinated. Round III of FMD vaccination has commenced in the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh & Tamil Nadu and so far, 2.13 crore animals are vaccinated.
  • The vaccination against Brucella has also commenced and so far, 1.86 crore animals have been vaccinated.
  • The vaccination against PPR has also commenced and so far  1.15 Cr animals have been vaccinated  against 2.21 Cr. vaccines supplied to 8 States including 10 priority districts of Mission Utkarsh. Vaccination has started in J&K, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Manipur, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh & Odisha.
  • The Department has supplied 15.62 lakh doses of CSF vaccines to the states . Vaccination against CSF stands at 11,126 against 15.62 Lakh doses supplied to 7 states. Vaccination has started in Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Punjab
  • In the current year, 529 Mobile Veterinary Units(MVUs) have been flagged off in 13 States/ UTs viz. AP (175), Karnataka (107), J&K (50), UK (60), Arunachal Pradesh (25), Nagaland (16), Goa (2), Puducherry (3), Meghalaya (17), Kerala (29), Mizoram (26), Tripura (13), Sikkim (6).
  • In 2022, the country has witnessed the outbreak of Lumpy skin disease with first case in the month of April in Gujarat. Department has facilitated in the uniform rate discovery @ Rs. 5.25 of goat pox vaccine to control LSD. Funds have been provided to affected States for undertaking trainings, awareness campaigns and vaccination under ASCAD as per the demand. Department has taken requisite steps to control Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and so far, the vaccination of 6.6 crores animals has been done. The recovery rate stands at 86 percent.
  • The Department has also successfully conducted pilot test on transport of animal vaccines maintaining requisite cold chain conditions, using drone in Arunachal Pradesh. This will go a long way in increasing speedy accessibility of vaccines and medicines in difficult areas where it can be delivered in minutes instead of days currently in some areas.


 There is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme namely “Livestock Census & Integrated Sample Survey Scheme” under the development programmes category with two components, (i) Livestock Census (LC) & (ii) Integrated Sample Survey (ISS).

Integrated Sample Survey

The scheme is implemented throughout the country to bring out estimates of Major Livestock Products (MLP) such as Milk, Egg, Meat and Wool. Under the scheme the estimates are to be brought out annually which is used for policy and planning purposes. All the States and Union Territories are implementing the Scheme with Central Assistance to the tune of 50%, 90% and 100% to the States, NE States and UTs respectively for the expenditure on salary for the entitled posts. 100% Central Assistance is also provided for (i) TA/DA to Enumerators and Supervisor for the conduct of the survey at a prescribed rate; and (ii) refresher training on ISS methodology (iii)and for IT Solutions. The sample survey is conducted from March to February on seasonal basis by dividing the survey yearin 3 seasons; Summer, Rainy and Winter. The State/UT level seasonal estimates were compiled by the Department and annual estimates were brought out. The estimates are published in Annual Publication of Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics(BAHS) of the Department. Recently, the Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics (BAHS)-2022 for the period 2021-22 is published.

Livestock Census

The Livestock Census isconducted quinquenniallyin all the districts of all States and Union Territories across the country covering all households/non-households, enterprises and institutions of Rural and Urban area.It is the only source, which gives disaggregated information on various species of animals and poultry birds. Recently, 20th Livestock Census has been completed in the year 2019with the participation of Animal Husbandry Department of all the States/UTs. The main objective of Livestock Census is to provide information on livestock population, species-wise and breed-wise along with age, sex-composition etc. up to household level in rural and urban areas. The All-India report namely “20th Livestock Census-2019” containing Species-wise and State-wise population of livestock has been published.In addition to the above, the Division has also Published Breed-wise report on Livestock and Poultry (based on 20th livestock Census) .


Background: First time ever Government of India has extended the benefit of KCC to Animal Husbandry and Dairy Farmers during 2019. As part of the Atmanirbhar Package, this Department has organized a Special drive for providing KCC to dairy farmers associated with milk cooperatives and milk producer companies held from 01.06.20 to 31.12.20.  This step ensured credit to landless Animal Husbandry famers at low interest.

Further, in order to provide Kisan Credit Card facility to all eligible Animal Husbandry and Fishery Farmers, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying in association with Department of Financial Services have launched a “Nationwide AHDF KCC Campaign from 15th November 2021 to 15th February 2022. This campaign was further extended up to 31.07.2022 and further upto 31.03.2023. During this Campaign, District Level KCC Camps is being organized in every week by KCC Coordination Committee coordinated by Lead District Manager (LDM) for on the spot scrutiny of applications sourced. As per the DFS report as on 17.02.2023, under this campaign 22,63,424 applications received out of which 21,87,347 applications accepted and 11,38,834 were sanctioned.

So far, more than 26.00 lakh fresh KCCs were sanctioned for AHD Farmers. The details of fresh KCC sanctioned as on 17.02.2023 to Animal Husbandry and Dairy farmers is as given below;

S No.TypeFresh KCC Sanctioned
1Crop loan with dairy4,87,937
2.Crop loan with other allied activities1,03,927

Source: D/o Financial Services


Streamlining approval procedure for Registration, Renewal of Animal House, approval of drug development protocols by the Committee for the Purpose for Control, Supervision of Experimental Animal (CPCSEA)


The CPCSEA has the mandate of ensuring that animals are not subjected to unnecessary pains or suffering before, during or after experiments on them. Under the given mandate, one of the most important tasks of CPCSEA is to scrutinize the research protocols from various establishments in the country wherein large animals are exclusively used. The establishments involved in Vaccine and Drug development are also required to send their protocols for the scrutiny of CPCSEA, as large animals are extensively being used for preclinical studies. Hence, looking at the crucial role of CPCSEA and the requirement of fast track approvals for the research protocols, streamlining the functioning and processes of CPCSEA was the need of the hour.

The CPCSEA has started fast track approvals through a dedicated web portal of CPCSEA where all the applications of establishments are being processed under the following current timelines:

Sl. No.ActivitiesPrevioustimeCurrent time
01Registration of Animal House/ Amendment in Registration15 days7 working days
02Renewal/ Revision of IAEC/ Change of Nominee15 days3 working days
03IAEC to examine and recommend the proposal to CPCSEA for approval15 days3 working days
04NOC to import laboratory animals1 dayNot required
05Pointing out deficiency and rejecting the protocol back to the organization by CPCSEA15 days3 working days
06Approval of protocol by sub-committee of CPCSEA15 days7 working days
07CPCSEA Committee meeting2 months1 month


The benefit of fast track approvals in CPCSEA has impacted the conduct of preclinical studies on the animals in drug development and vaccine production. The CPCSEA has been working closely with the preclinical approvals of COVID19 vaccine in coordination with ICMR-NIV, Pune. The role of CPCSEA in giving fast track approvals while maintaining the sanctity of animal welfare and the safety in research has been a contributing factor in vaccine development for COVID19. The research and preclinical trials for other important vaccines and drugs for diseases like Rabies, Snake Venom hyper-immune sera, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Cancer etc have also been fast tracked due to rapid processing of applications and approvals in CPCSEA.


Online permission for films


The Government has developed Online System for registration of Performing Animal from 1st October, 2020. Earlier, the process for registration was fully in physical mode i.e. receipt of physical applications including application fee as Demand Draft and registration of animals in the Department. The said process was very complicated and cumbersome for  the applicants as it used to take a long time. Besides, the applicants were also engaging local representatives/ agents for submitting the physical applications. Now, the Online System for registration of Performing Animal has been developed and launched through which any animal owner can register their animals to be performed in the film/ad-films etc.


Animal owners can register their animals online. Also, the Producer can obtain the pre-shoot permission and post shoot certificate for any Film/Ad-film/Web-series/TV-serial/documentary etc. through online system within 72 hours.

This has reduced processing time for granting permission and also avoided in-person interaction with the employees of the Board, thus promoting transparency and corruption free process.

Legal Enactments: –

  • The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Care and Maintenance of Case Property Animals) Rules, 2017
  • The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Dog Breeding and Marketing Rules) Rules, 2017
  • The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Pet Shop Rules) Rules, 2018

Source : Press Information Bureau ( PIB) June 27th 2023

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