Mysterious disease in Bhatinda kills 62 cows dairynews7x7

Bathinda deputy director of animal husbandry Dr Rajdeep Singh said 40 cattle died at Raike Kalan while 22 dairy animals reportedly perished at Sooch village.

Sixty-two cattle have died due to a mysterious disease in two villages of Bathinda district in less than a month, creating panic among the dairy farmers.

“Nearly 70 cattle are under treatment at both the villages. The illness causes high fever and has affected cows and buffaloes of all age groups. Teams have been deployed in the field, and the situation is under control,” he added.

Singh said nitrate toxicity has emerged as the cause of mortality in a few cases at Raike Kalan and Sooch villages, indicating the ruminants were fed green fodder with high levels of urea content.

Officials said it is premature to attribute deaths and illness to foot and mouth (FMD), a highly contagious viral infection.

Experts from the Jalandhar-based North regional disease diagnostic laboratory took samples, and detailed results are expected on Wednesday, officials said.

Source : The Hindustan Times Jan 17th 2024

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