This is the first channel dedicated to dairy-related news from India and abroad. It will cover top seven dairy news from last seven days. The news will be aired on every Sunday. The channel will have expert interviews, market and technical analysis and a lot more sections very soon.
This video contains the following News : a. NDDB signs an MOU with Jharkhand Milk Federation for setting up their dairy plants on turnkey basis. b. Milky Mist launch Building healthy India initiative c.Turtle Tree labs a biotech firm develops milk without cows using cells based technology d. Private dairies in Maharashtra reduces milk procurement prices e.Dairy farmer’s survival comes in the way of India trade deal with US,EU, UK. f. Shudh ke liye yudh: Rs 51k award for person informing about spurious food g. Heritage foods net up to Rs 54 Crore in second quarter against Rs 11 crore in previous quarter