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In 2022, Tetra Pak put nearly 30 million euros into projects worldwide, with plans to go further and invest up to 40 million euros annually over the next years, in line with its targets on collection and recycling of beverage cartons.

Terpa Pak  is highlighting some of its recent recycling initiatives that are helping to keep valuable materials in use and out of landfills in honor of Earth day on April 22. 

Tetra Pak’s  recent collaborations are focused on creating additional recycling capacity, increasing collection rates and ensuring that materials from post-consumer beverage cartons can re-enter the economy. 

“We need to move away from a linear ‘take-make-waste’ model towards a more connected circular economy. But being part of a circular solution can’t be driven singlehandedly by one individual or entity – scientists, policy makers, recyclers and industry players and citizens must work together,” said Markus Pfanner, vice president, Sustainability Operations at Tetra Pak

Paper-based beverage cartons are recyclable where adequate collection, sorting and recycling infrastructures are in place. Tetra Pak estimates that, globally, 1.2 million tons of beverage cartons have been collected and sent for recycling in 2021. But the picture is very fragmented across the globe and long-lasting change can only happen through collective action, transformational innovation and bold investments. 

In 2022, Tetra Pak put nearly 30 million euros into projects worldwide, with plans to go further and invest up to 40 million euros annually over the next years, in line with its targets on collection and recycling of beverage cartons.

The company’s goals also include realizing the national recyclability criteria for its packages in all countries where it operates, and fulfilling the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Global Commitment, a common vision of a circular economy for plastics. 

Three principles are guiding our circularity agenda: designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. These hero initiatives showcase how innovation and a clear drive to change the status quo are key to keep quality materials in circulation and minimise the use of new ones,” said Christine Levêque, vice president, Collection and Recycling, Tetra Pak“None of these developments could be realized without our 70 experts around the globe, who are collaborating every day with recyclers, local authorities and food and beverage manufacturers to drive the transformation needed to scale up collection and recycling.”

Source : Dairy Foods April 5th 2023

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