Dairy News

21 st International dairy conference by IFCN. Milk production growth at 1.4% during 2019 was
significantly below the long-term average of 2.3% in 2019. This was driven mainly by India, Oceania,
Africa and the Middle East. Meanwhile, the rising popularity of milk alternatives in rich countries
and lower milk availability in emerging economies slowed down demand growth. The map
describes the national milk price trends for 75 countries in May vs. February 2020. The milk prices
on average declined by 4.6% which is not a big crisis. In USA and India farm gate prices dropped by
more than 15% from February to May 2020. In USA it has gone upto 29 % drop in prices. In India it
remained stable in almost half of the cooperative’s catchment areas where the largest cooperative
Amul is collecting the milk. In some other areas the farm gate price dropped down to a level of
19% from February level.The outlook for the world milk price in 2020 remains complex, and future
markets and the views of analysts are not aligned. Dairy stocks and the potential shift of dairy
demand in developing countries from informal to formal dairy products, could have a positive
impact on dairy imports as quoted by Mr Torsten Hemm Managing Director IFCN (International
Farm Comparison Network

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