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Could Gir give A1 milk and an HF A2 ? Know all about A1/A2 testing? Know everything about A1/A2 milk and milk product’s testing.

GOI ( Govt of India ) recommended “ Desi Cow Breeds’’ have to be protected and cared as it is more immune to the effect of the climate change & also have other Techno-economic advantages (AH Department, GOI). Accordingly, National Breeding Policy initiated various actions to preserve & uplift “Desi Breeds”.

Studies by the National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR), Karnal covering 22 desi breeds have established that predominant genotype in India’s native cattle has A2 allele. Breeding companies, in many countries, using presence of A2 (100%) allele in cattle to establish breed purity.

Safe milk labs Collaborated with DSS Imagetech to help dairy industry check authenticity of their milk and milk products

In our effort to help dairy farmers to identify A2 breeds and dairy units to segregate A2 milk, Safe Milk labs collaborated with DSS Imagetech Pvt ltd . DSS pioneered worlds first DNA based Qualitative and quantitative A1A2 allele detection and ratio estimation technology . Its a Real Time PCR based method and it takes just 1.5 hour from extraction to detection. We can use samples like raw milk , butter , cheese, SMP powder , hair samples , blood , tissue etc . This system also can be used for percent cow and percent buffalo detection.

India’s leading brands Like , AMUL , Nestle , Schreiber Dynamix , Patanjali , BAMUL , Hatsun and in around 90 dairy institution are now using this system for Cow /Buffalo segregation along with A1 andA2.In Europe and in Switzerland , Nestle , ELSA , Simmental are using DSS technology for their A2 milk . Recently we have received orders from dairy institution from south American countries .

Knowing your animal

Our few studies, using DNA based RT PCR technology to identify “ Indigenous Desi Cow and Bulls” shows many of them having 100% A2 allele. In this process, “ Phenotype” identification of animals were carried out with the help of Vet./breeding experts and there after DNA from milk or hair of identified animals were extracted to run through RT PCR to find out A1 and A2 allele component in sample. The animals with 100% A2 allele are identified for future breeding program. Moreover, we are also connecting farmers with Milk marketing companies interested in A2 milk so that the farmers get premium price for their milk.

Contact www.Safemilklabs.com to know more about this technology and get your samples tested.

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