India UAE Trade pact dairynews7x7

India has urged for duty-free market access from the UAE for spices, cheese, eggs and textiles as a part of the free trade pact it is working out with the grouping. 

India is keen to get duty-free access for its fresh and frozen bovine meat, dairy, spices, organic chemicals, and paper goods.

India is keen to get duty-free access for its fresh and frozen bovine meat, dairy, spices, organic chemicals, and paper goods. Photo courtesy: Dubai Airport

Due to concerns about bird flu, the UAE has now banned poultry imports from India, while India’s textile exports are subject to a 5% duty, reported. 

“We are desperate to sell poultry products to the UAE and are hopeful that they will allow imports from India, beginning with eggs because eggs are a big market there,” said an official, adding that India has assured that it is adhering to the World Organization for Animal Health’s biosafety standards to prevent infection. 

According to the official, the UAE is eager to obtain duty exemptions for dates, confectionery, and sugar-based products. 

India is keen to get  duty-free access for its fresh and frozen bovine meat, dairy, spices, organic chemicals, and paper goods. It has listed 1,100 odd products, including washing machines, air conditioners, refrigerators, spices, tobacco, cotton fabrics, textiles, and leather, whose exports it wants to expand under the pact. 

Last month, India sought duty free market access for its leather goods in countries, including UAE, UK and Australia, with which it is negotiating Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) to boost manufacturing and exports, Commerce and Industry 

Member countries of GCC are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Source : Connected India 13th Dec 2021

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